Monday, January 28, 2013

A Goat, a Wolf & a Cabbage

When I was in middle school one of my teachers loved, and I do mean LURVED, to tell riddles. Their favorite riddle was one about a farmer trying to cross a river. Perhaps you've heard it? Pretty much a farmer has to cross a river on a small ferry. He is bringing a goat, a wolf, and a cabbage to market. But the ferry will only hold him +1, and wolves eat goats whilst goats eat cabbages. So what the farmer does is he takes the goat over and leaves it on bank b. Then he goes back and gets the cabbage. He leaves that on bank b, taking the goat back with him to bank a. At bank a he switches the goat for the wolf. Now he has the wolf and cabbage on bank b and the goat on a. He makes one last trip across with the goat to bank b and finally FINALLY! the farmer is on his way. Whew! Sounds exhausting? Sometimes that's exactly how I feel being a mom. How 'bout you?

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